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Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday


I am bringing you my first Five for Friday post. I'm really excited to be blogging again because I have kind of taken a week off. So I thought I would link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and tell me about my life.

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I'm taking a cake decorating class. So I made my first two layer cake, frosted, and decorated it. I forgot to take a picture of it last night but this is what it looked like after my husband brought it to work today. Most of its gone must be a good sign. :)

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I worked. I know, nothing fabulous about that but I'm working a part time job from my computer. Although I might prefer working on TPT selling stuff, unfortunately its doesn't pay that well. So I'm working from home this summer, and doing TPT selling. 

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I went to the beach. I didn't take any pictures because I wanted to spend time with my hubby and his family so I left my phone in the car. If I don't leave it there it's too much of a temptation. I love the beach last week I was there Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, different beaches but still. :) 

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I started school supply shopping. As much as I love school and I want to get back....I love summer. I love having the time to do fun things, like go to the beach, making TPT items, reading fun books, vacation. The start of school supply shopping means its coming to an end. But I found some awesome bins, and glue sponge materials from Dollar Tree and highlighters from Office Depot. 

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I started reading Guided Reading:Making it work.  I have just read like the introduction but so far I like it. I'm thinking of doing a blog post linky about what I'm reading right now. So this would be part of that. Look for it this coming week. If you would like to link up with me comment below and I'll let you know when it goes up. 
I hope you enjoyed my first Five for Friday! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

All About ME!

Today I decided to blog a little bit about me so that you can get to know me a little bit better.


This is a picture my sister (she's going into photography) took of me at the beach recently. I am 25 and live in the beautiful state of Michigan. (Side note if your from MI I would love to connect with you. PLEASE comment below.) This will be my third year teaching. I work as a classroom paraprofessional at a low income school. I love my job. I get to teach small groups in second, first, one in fifth and work with a second grade class. I started selling on TPT in January. I started my blog 3 weeks ago as part of the TpT sellers challenge and have been loving it.

My husband and I got married two years ago. He is an engineer and working on getting his  masters. We are very busy. We don't have any children yet, we would like to have children but we are very busy. :) We enjoy going to the beach, and chilling most of the time with our families.

When I'm not teaching or creating for TPT. I love to bake, cook and dance. I danced a lot when I was in school and have had to kind of let it go because teaching, being a wife, and creating has a way of consuming time. I enjoy letting it out once and a while teaching at camps or helping friends that do it more of the time. 

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about me. :) If you have a question or if you want to tell me a little bit more about you leave a comment. I love hearing from other teachers. 


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Make your Masterpiece - Skip Counting Print and Go

Skip Counting Print and Go is finally done. I'm doing a happy dance. I started this product when I was teaching skip counting to my second graders back in like April. It was a perfect way to start getting them ready for multiplication. Now it is finally done. TPT Sellers Challenge was the perfect motivation to finish it this week. Now I'm linking up with these wonderful teachers for week 3.

Here is my masterpiece. Sweet Skip Counting Print and Go. I started this packet because I was teaching skip counting and I had just finished my Graphing Print and Go and it was really popular, so I thought I would try another print and go. I love this creation because it is really easily adapted to all levels. I started with a hundreds charts. I made two kinds of hundreds charts one that is already colored in and one that the students need to color in. 

I had my students color them in. Then I had them keep them in their folders for reference. The next thing in my print and go packet is an activity. The students can either use their chats, the cards provided at the end, individually or in a group. My students loved going around the group skip counting so I made this to go along with that. I had them count around the circle and write as they count.  There are two versions of  this activity as well. One is with some of the numbers filled in to help the students check as they go, and the other one is blank. The third activity is finishing the skip counting pattern. I gave them how much they are skip counting by and two numbers in the line but they aren't necessarily the first numbers, or two numbers next two each other. This can require students to skip count backwards, or forewords. This can be a real challenge for some students but it's good practice. 

The last two activities are my favorite and my students favorites too. The first one is called "What's the Rule?". It gives students the first two numbers and they have to figure out the rule and finish the number line. The last activity is Spin and Count. The students spin a paper clip on the tip of their pencil. The number is lands on is the number they start with, then they skip count until they reach the end of the line.

The last thing I included is cards that have the numbers on them. I mentioned them above to use with the first activity. My first grade students love putting the cards in order. It's a great way to have them practice their skip counting and have fun at the same time. 
If you want to pick up this packet go to my TPT store.

I would love to give one my first blog giveaway.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Hi all - I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for currently. I thought it would be a great link up so you can get to know me, a little bit more.

Currently I'm listening to Big Bang Theory. I love Big Bang Theory. I like to watch or listen to it while I work on my blog. My husband goes to work all day, so I like to listen or watch something while I work other wise it just gets too quiet around here. 

I am LOVING clip art. I think I love clip art a little too much. Now that I have gotten into the tpt creating world I am loving clip art and anything clip art related. I also love fonts, I am building up a huge stash, much to my husbands alarm. 

I'm thinking I really need to finish my skip counting print and go pack. It is huge for one thing and for the second I have been working on it since April and it's still not done. My goal is to have it finished by the end of the week so that I can use it for the #TPTsellerschallenge make your masterpiece. 

I am wanting to go to VEGAS with everyone else. I look at everyone else's blog posts and Facebook posts about going and I would love to be going with you guys. I also really want a good planner to organize my TPT and blogging stuff. If you have a good one to recommend PLEASE post a link or the name in the comments. I need some good recommendations.  

I need more clip art always, still working on my huge stash. :) I also need more time, I'm working a part time summer job, trying to blog, keep up with house work, make TPT products, work out, and spend time with people. I need more hours in the day. 

I am an All Star organizer when I want to be. I like to be organized at school, and with the stuff I'm working on...however at home I'm done organizing and I don't want to do it any more, so I'm a mess. Maybe I should need to put that on my needs list, I need to organize my home office. 

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. I can't wait to learn more about everyone else.